Only a small number of restaurants in Maryland reliably make their crab cakes from local crabmeat and the state does not require restaurants to identify the specific source of the meat. It’s time to stand behind our crab cakes and crab meat and proudly support this local luxury. True Blue, a new labeling and promotion initiative from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR), is going to be your way to find out which restaurants are serving this local delicacy.
The ‘True Blue’ certification program allows restaurants serving Department-verified Maryland blue crab product to use a special logo in marketing or advertising the product. Once a restaurant is signed up they will receive a ‘True Blue’ logo to signify to their patrons that they are True Blue Certified! The DNR isn’t stopping there; they plan on helping to promote the restaurant’s participation through a new ‘True Blue’ website, a mobile phone app, their social media and the marylandseafood.org website that gets nearly 100,000 visits a month!
6/29/2012 | Posted by svilnit
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